Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Switzerland Sweats

Imagine the feelings of a postman when he knows he has to open a gate with a hungry pitbull behind it to post a letter and the reader can appreciate the feelings of officials in Switzerland who have sent off samples to our beloved experts in England to test for H5N1 in dead birds in Switzerland. Switzerland like most countries have the ability to work out the H5 part of the virus but get into a muddle when they have to identify the other bit. N1 must find this very amusing that many countries have to send their samples to EastEnders fans in Britain to confirm for H5N1 infection. Still H5N1 is not complaining as it is very busy establishing itself in new areas. The greater the delay the more new friends H5N1 can make. Switzerland is feeling a little hot and bothered about becoming another country on the H5N1 friends list.

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